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Kavardak334 Self-portrait

Zhulik 39 yo


Your favorite sex positions
possition69, missioner, favorite positions for sex, probably a woman on top, because knocking or banging there, you need to have a big, unquenchable impulse of passion and generally doggy style, sideways and jump ...!
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
The most unusual experience I had was the period of maritime practice, when, having visited foreign , foreign ports and places, trips to the left, or as it is commonly called Karablyad life, interethnic, tantra-express dates, with not always satisfactory consequences!
Your top sexual fantasy
????????????????????????????????To sexual fantasies, I think this is summer, the sea and the beach ... and also the dunes!
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
y offline relationships lack more colors in the key of A-minor, cheerful, positive emotions, good spirits, etc.
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
'Discoteka 2000? Leningrad, sektor gaza" Drum' rave,freguency,raggie,jfzzI watch TV shows, I love comedies, such as Two, Welcome to the Family, Boomerang, Joker, Abricol, etc. Knicky and Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes, Ernest Hemingway, The Twelve Chairs, EBulgakov, Chekhov and Pushkin , also War and Peace, Tolstoy "Anna Karenina", the adventures of Pinocchio "!
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
The countries in which I had the opportunity to step ashore, not to mention the fact that I would not be very numerous, are Ireland, England, as I mentioned more than once the equator passed, and these are Guinea, Morocco, Casablanca, Tunisia, as well as Columbia, Virginia, the Caribbean , Nakhodka, Busan and Bakgkok, Tai Zhou, etc. I would like to go on a cruise along the golden ring of Russia, visit St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Bryansk, Sochi, go to Baikal, Ulan-Ude, visit Minsk.
What do you do in your spare time?
in my free time, I prefer to spend in nature, go in for sports, actively spend my leisure time, depending on the weather, mood and financial situation.
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
it is still of great importance with whom, i.e. what qualities my people around me have, mostly cattle, as for the most important ones, I defend this trust, understanding, interest, mutual assistance, intelligence, elementary communication, mutual sympathy, etc. .
What hobbies do you have?
Hobbies, making interesting acquaintances, a holiday romance, but in general, everything is leading to the development of someone's pussy, more precisely, what kind of benefit do you represent on the world market, an investigation is underway!
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
disappointment, if you want to share sadness, joy, but no one understands you, or not even someone, if only you could break through the VIP status and rush at least for the cardon, on all four sides !!

Viva The King of Sex

sveta4a 28

Rules 01:35:37

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