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Предложения с переходом в Вотсап-Скайп посмотреть как вы там кончаете - автоматом в чёрный список! Задрали.
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Нравится грязное общение и когда обращаются как со шлюхой.
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могу пообщатся в переписке когда свободна, но не со всеми,не встречусь.тг, скайпа и ватсапа у меня нет
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Ничто так не сближает мужчину и женщину, как совокупление.
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Мужчины, читайте пост в моей анкете перед тем ,как написать мне!
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gamingfreak42 Self-portrait

gamingfreak42 36 yo


Your favorite sex positions
Not specified
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
Not specified
Your top sexual fantasy
Not specified
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
Not specified
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
i like just about any music. for books and movies i enjoy almost anything that is fictional/fantasy/sci-fi.
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
i've only ever been out of the USA to visit jamaica once on vacation. i'd like to visit japan, australia, new zealand and ireland tho i'd like to visit many others but those are on the top of my list.
What do you do in your spare time?
Not specified
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Not specified
What hobbies do you have?
i enjoy reading, watching movies, playing games. i love to learn new things about science and technology.
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
this question seems a little too personal for me to openly answer here...

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 01:42:32

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