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18.04.12 04:39
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Мы ценим красивые фото. Делимся и обмениваемся.
1 20 of 100
Я сексвайф. Очень люблю секс. Встречаюсь в реале. Парни пишите. БЕЗ ФОТО НЕ ОТВЕЧАЮ!!
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
Если я вас напрягаю или раздражаю, то вы всегда можете забиться в углу и поплакать
1 20 of 100
замужняя хуесоска


CLYDNa 31 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Man
Preferred age
from 18 to 30 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
Marital status
Prefer not to say
Material support
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Own automobile
Prefer not to say
  • English
  • Español
______________§§§§§§§§§_ §§§
_______§§§§§§__ _§§§_§§§
♥ .•* `*•. ♥•. ♥ .•* `*• . ♥♥ .•* `*•. ♥♥ .•* `*•. ♥•. ♥ .•
Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day be...gs
Silently closing her bedroom door
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more
She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her hankerchief
Quietly turing the backdoor key
Stepping outside she is free.
She (We gave her most of our lives)
is leaving (Sacraficed most of our lives)
home (We gave her everything money could buy)
She's leaving home after living alone
For so many years. Bye, bye
... snores as his wife gets into her dressing gown
Picks up the letter that's lying

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Only registered users can leave comments.
  • 2013-05-11 03:24:23

    Call me 5187089248 lets meet for a ...

  • 2012-11-14 14:42:35

    оХ нихерасе ты шикарна!!!!!

  • 2012-04-20 03:54:41

  • 2011-11-20 15:50:07

    You are very beautiful!

  • 2011-11-14 16:50:32

  • 2011-11-08 19:16:01


  • 2011-11-07 18:57:55

    Hello, if U interesting to invite me for friendship and sex, send me a massage on ICQ: 575147703

  • 2011-10-27 02:32:05

    Nice pics, hit me up sometime

  • 2011-10-26 06:21:05

  • 2011-10-18 14:44:28

    hellou you very sexy girl you have nise body and boobs

  • 2011-10-17 09:42:31


  • 2011-10-14 04:44:33

    Привет.Как дела?На фото вы просто прелесть.

  • 2011-10-11 15:43:23

  • 2011-10-11 15:18:16

    ╔═══╗ ♪
    ║███║ ♫--- ***--♥☺♥☺♥☺♥--
    ║ (●) ♫-------- * ******--♥☺♥☺♥☺♥--
    ╚═══╝♪♪-- ㋡㋡㋡㋡***--♥☺♥☺♥☺♥--
    ♥*♥ L34V1NG
    ..♥*♥…………. ♥*♥…………....♥*♥
    …♥*♥………….. ………..…....♥*♥

  • 2011-10-11 15:13:23

    ♥» ▬▬ «•*•» ▬▬▬ «•*•»▬▬ «♥

    ██__█████___▓▓▓▓▓▓ __▓
    ·٠•●●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●●•٠·˙

  • 2011-10-11 15:08:57

    ♥» ▬▬ «•*•» ▬▬▬ «•*•»▬▬ «♥
    ____ €€€(¯ `•.....|/.•´¯)€€€€
    _____ €(¯ `•.(۰۪۪۫۫●۰).•´¯)€€€
    _____ €€(_.•´/|....`•._)€€€€_€€
    ___ €€€€€€(_.:._)€€€___€€€€
    ___ (¯`:´¯)€€||€_______€€€€
    _ (¯ `•.....|/.•´¯)||€€€____€€
    (¯ `•.(۰۪۪۫۫●۰).•´¯)€€€€_
    _ (_.•´/|....`•._)€€€€€€
    €______ (¯ `•.....|/.•´¯)
    _____ €(¯ `•.(۰۪۪۫۫●۰).•´¯)€€
    _____€€ (_.•´/|....`•._)€€€€€
    ____€€€€€ (_.:._)€€€€€€€€
    __€€€€€__||_(¯ `•.....|/.•´¯)€€€
    ___€€€___|(¯ `•.(۰۪۪۫۫●۰).•´¯)€€
    _____€___....||€€.(_.:._)_€€ ****
    ♥» ▬▬ «•*•» ▬▬▬ «•*•»▬▬

  • 2011-10-11 15:01:52

    _$$____$$$$__$$__ __
    _$$$ ______$$_$___s$$$$
    __$$$$$$$__$$$___$$$_________________ __$$$
    $$_______s$$_$$$$___________ __s____$$$$$$$$
    _$$$$$$__$$__$s___ ____$$$____s$__$$$$____$$$
    _______ ________________s$$$$__$$$___$$$$$s
    ____________________________$$$_ _$$ss_____$$
    _____________________ __________$$s$$___s$$$s
    Has anyone ever told You
    what a wonderful per... You are?
    I hope so! I hope You've been
    Told dozens of times...
    Because You are just amazing.
    And just in case You haven't heard
    Those words in a while
    I want You to hear them now.
    You deserve to know that... Hugs & Kisses!!

Viva The King of Sex

sveta4a 28

Rules 00:37:55

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