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Граждане любители анала - с этим обращайтесь в лигу сексуальных меньшинств, там вам будут несказанно рады.
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Всем приятных встреч!!
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Трахните меня уже!


Дмитрий 55 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
  • Couple
  • Couple F+F
Preferred age
from 18 to 70 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • One-night stands
  • Regular sex partner
  • Group Sex
  • Swinger sex
Marital status
Material support
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become one
Prefer not to say
Own automobile
  • Русский
Poznakomilsa by s zensinoi bez vsakih idiotskih uslovnostei!!!Iz Moskvy,S-Posada,Pereaslavla-Zalesskogo,Petrovska,Rostova Aroslavskogo,Aroslavla,,Gavrilova Ama,Danilova i t.d.

K predstavitelam cvetnogo (golubogo(!)) soobsestva i netradicionalam mira :
gospoda (ili "damy"),a uvazau Vas seksual'nyi vybor po zizni (eto bezuslovno Vase delo,kak i s kem Vy provodite vrema v posteli i v zizni),no a NE RAZDELAU Vasih "prestrastii"!!!!!!!!A predpocitau po zizni ZENSIN!!!!!!!NASTOASIH!!!!!!!!NE RAZENYH!!!!!!!!!!Esli po kakoi to slucainosti a zaglanul na Vasu stranicku,to eto po osibke (mnogie iz Vas lubat radit'sa v zenskoe bel'e),a ne iz interesa licno k Vam!!!!!!!!!A dopuskau,cto v Vasem mire a prosto krasavec i "ne otrazim ne v odnoi luze" ,no dla Vas i Vasego mira a KONCENYI IZVRASENEC,...OMU,CTO MNE INTERESNY TOL'KO BABY,BABY i ese raz BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!NASTOASIE!!!!!!!!!!PRIRODNYE!!!!!!!!!!!!Nadeus' na Vase ponimanie!!!!!!!Spasibo!!!!!

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Viva The King of Sex

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