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Привет, я парень би, кросс .
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прочитайте перед тем как писать =) всем спасибо
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Читайте анкету! Без фото не общаюсь. Вирт не интересен! ЖМЖ?)
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Только реально! все как ВЫ захотите
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Би ищет Властные рукиГрубо и пошло комментируйте мои фото и профиль
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Шлюшка хочет секса
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Хочу что б мой м переодетый в девочку пососал


nash 44 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
  • Couple
  • Couple F+F
Preferred age
from 18 to 50 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • One-night stands
  • Regular sex partner
  • Group Sex
Marital status
Material support
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become one
Higher than average income
Own automobile
Prefer not to say
  • English
  • Русский
life is too short so enjoy as much as u can iam 1 from those how like to enjoy this life if u like join me then
i think iam a normal per... like to live and enjoy this life in what ever i can get from it even it dose not give much but i like the way iam living in it trying to do the best to get the best but i think it s still far to get it or iam to slow I define comfort as self-acceptance. When we finally learn that self-care be...s and ends with ourselves, we no longer demand sustenance and happiness from others.Wish not so much to live long as to live well. I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for the truth; and truth rewarded me. Every man is the architect of his own fortune
mydesire looking for some thing new in life if u think u can make a deferent go head and .............!!!!
You ask me why I do not write think one's feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring res

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Viva The King of Sex

serovin 32

Rules 02:16:33

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