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2013-09-01 13:44:13
2013-08-17 18:10:17
AM LOOKING FOR GIRLS AS SOULMATE WHO WILL TRAVELL TO ME ON HER OWN EXPENSES AND WILL NEVER ASK FOR MONEY OR HELP UNTIL MARRIED THEN YOU SHOULD CONTACT ME STRICK CONDITION.Am very talktive at skype as mi...imiss but you get hooked up with me on ya who male mi...imiss36 or mi...imiss36 at yeahuu dot com.Looking for serious women who can relocate and travel on her own to me to marry with your dad and mum and never ask me money for travelling strickly.I am a very serious per... in alot of things but i can be real fun and have a wonderful time. I like to see alot of all type of movies.I am a outgoing per... and i like for people to be honest and be straight with words. I like to hear what people have to say and don't give option unless they ask for it. Just be the per... you are and i will be the per... i am and we will have a wonderful time.I'm open minded and out spoken, i call it the way i see it. i speak the truth, its always best in the long run and easy to remember, instead of tryi